WTB: 88 YZ 125 Parts

well my buddy got a free YZ 125, that needs a little work, and he really doesnt want cause he likes his quad, so basically it’s mine.

I need…

A rear tire. not sure on the size, but on the tire it says 4.5X18

A chain

A brake lever

A cheap set of plastics

and possibly a pipe. The pipe isne nessicary, but something I’d like to have

i may have an old chain laying around somewhere. not sure. look on ebay for the plastic stuff. suzuki and yamaha levers are a little different so i can’t help you there and the tire is and old size. 99.9% of the bikes now run 19"rear tires.

well where can i find an 18" one?

any cycle shop can get one. look on ebay also.


here this one is real cheap and in pa


ok, im gonna do some bidding tomorrrow at work. How about pipe/silencer? find me some of those :smiley:

get it togther and come riding!!!

yeah. thats my plan… help me locate this shit CHEAP… also, i need a helmet… and not so expensive places to get one?

Im probably ordering this one

let me know what u cant find i get good deals on yamaha parts .

well, can you get me some prices on brake lever, chain, id like an aftermarket pipe/silencer, but dont wanna spend alot, and possibly a tire. I’d rather buy locally to get the parts faster

u can prob get a DG pipe/silencer on ebay. also, just as i told Bluemeanie, Dennis Kirk is a good place to get stuff for the older bikes. the lever u can get anywhere for like $9. get a Sunline or something, not OEM Yamaha.

i can get a rk chain for 25 bucks i think its 110 link rk or ek but what the hell is the difference

i checked ebay for pipes. really couldnt find much…

PWTMX… do you get deals on helmets too?? cause i’ll need one of those.

anyway you can get the parts i need for under $100

chad i found a pic of u riding your bike

ha. thats Exactly what it looks like too.

I wanna find this shit ASAP so i can get it all fixed up.

cant be ,he’s upright!

:smiley: haha

helmet will be here mon. and i won a tire off ebay for $22 :smiley:

im gonna be stylin!