the side mirror on my 240 is shattered… i need this replaced to get it insured…

i have a set of s14 power mirrors. if youre interested shoot me an offer via pm

i have the driver side mirror for an 89…

which side? left or right? 10 bux for the mirror!!

someone’s gotta help me install it… i know i know… i’m TOTAL noob… but yeah… got to get that mirror fixed so i can drive it and get it safety’d…

also anyone know where i can purchase the cables that you use for the parking brake???

also, right when i bought that 89 nissan 240sx… the battery died on me, i think the alternator is screwed… how much would it be for that… sighh… i’m beginning to regret buying this car…

now its sitting at my friends house… when it should be at my house… safe and sound… i just hope my friend doesn’t do anything to “betray my trust”… like take parts from me or anythingg… sighhhh, unbelievable…

10 bucks installed? gotta be more than that bro!
the mirror i believe, is power

alternator you can buy off anyone for 40 bucks… i sold two of mine for that much.

the cables should be 20 bucks each at CT (i’m just guessing)

and where are you located, cause i’m in toronto

yeah… found the mirror and the wiper rubber at the junkyard… that problem is fixed…

all i need is an alternator… you got one?