hey guys, i just bought a black 89 240sx, clean rust-free hatch… mint! the clutch is good… 225,000 km on it… frame is rusted out… but planning to put some rust-protection ish’ on it soon…

anyway, i checked the car out on friday with my buddy jsp3c and everything was goood…

today, i give the guy to the money and he signs off the ownership to me… and whaddya know? i take it for a spin, only to find out… the speedometer not working… does anyone know how i can fix this problem if it comes up again???

also, the problems don’t stop there… i guess i can’t expect much from a $500 car… anyway, the list goes on… after that, my car just suddenly stopped… and no i did NOT stall… it just suddenly turns off… what could it be? yup! its the battery… so struggled at victoria park & sheppard gas station for 20 mins to get it started via jumper cables!!

it starts up… but dies later on… even after 30 mins of re-charging… so my buddy figures it may be the alternator not working and the battery is good… or it may be the battery??? i’m planning to a test and switching the battery from my friends 89 240 to mine to see if that is the case… sighhh… also need to change the sideview mirrors, get new cables for the parking brake, rear brake pads, rear all-season/winter tires (if you are selling used all-season /winter tires and have atleast 60% thread left, pm me an offer!!!) also… either a new battery or alternator… have no clue how much that costs… can someone please help me out?!? THANKS GUYS>> hope you liked my story… entertaining huh? probably laughing your ass off… anyway… give me a shout… !!

Try the tech section.

phew, good thing I didn’t buy the car , I should thank spilner for that rule comment that slapped my ass (if it wasn’t for him, I woulda slapped the money down on the night when he posted the car). even if it’s 500 dollars, you should always test drive the car (unless stated that it’s dead)

btw, I saw the car on posting night, I saw the “drift” dent on one side, how are you goign to fix that?

for your items:
check buy and sell, avery or someone probably has an alternator.
same w/ the tires, buy and sell section , someone is selling those…
mirrows, try nissan, they might have some in stock , or get a pair of those after market ones

btw,. thanks spilner!

i did test drive the car!!

and after i parked it back to the place… i turned it off then started it again… and it started no problem!!

i guess it either must be the -18 degree weather?? or it may be that… the car was just performing well that time…

thnx for the help man… but do you think those are really the best prices i can get in the buy/sell section? cause i honestly DO NOT know the price ranges on car parts… i’m total noobie right here… only info i get is from my other friends that are into cars… and when i relay the information back to people that actually finished the automotives program at centennial ashtonbee’s tell me that the stuff i hear from my buddy is bullshit… sighhhh

oh and the dent… yeah, i dont really plan on fixing up this car… it is afterall my first car… can’t i just get a new kit and fenders to replace that dent??

i should of thought LONG AND HARD about this decision…

now i’m stuck with this car… unless i sell it out… but i might as well keep it…

but i’m guessing atleast 300 bux in parts from that list i wrote up there… to cost me… plus labour to whoever is willing to help me fix this up… shietttt…

and it doesn’t stop there… i am UNEMPLOYED… i had to sell a whole wop of crap in my room to get this car… hopefully my friends that say that they can hook me up with a job, actually CAN… and their words are just not words… hopefully!!! AHHH… once i get a job… things will be easier… its all about the moneyy!!

HERE’S A GENERAL LIST that i made to help me fix this up…
those are the ones i absolutely need to survive this winter… sighh



alternator? …dont no cost… help me out on the estimation guys
brake pads? $30
allseason/winter tires? $150
nissan oem left side view mirror?
rear rubbers for the wipers? …dont no cost… help me out on the estimation guys
motor for front wipers? …dont no cost… help me out on the estimation guys


parking brake cable? …dont no cost… help me out on the estimation guys

mm I dun think you should just cover the dent

well it is your car now, soo take time and fix it yourself (save labour)
fix it and don’t drive it now, especially if you plan to keep it b/c if you don’t fix the rust that I saw under that car, this winter, the salt will errode the rust away as easily as wind blowing sand

if you want to know the prices for parts, call nissan and find out the price for a new OEM, and then compare w/ used

I’m a n00b to, I dun have a 240 :stuck_out_tongue:
reserachhhhh and always take note on what poeple say here and the info they give you

expect more than 300 to fix your car, don’t think about tires now,those can wait, think more of the body and the engine


thanks dude… you got the number for nissan!!! LOL
you located in toronto?
i know one nissan dealer in scarborough… i think its mccowan and sheppard??
…wait, you’re from ottawa aren’t you??

no, lol I live almost right beside that car, well I live in scarborough,
which is why I went to see the car in a jippy

uhh. phone book? internet ? I dunno the number. go to that nissan dealer on mccoawn and ask

if you really want to get rid of the car, I’ll give you 250 for it. I offered that to the guy

250 is half of what i paid… the hatch on it is worth atleast 100… and the clutch on it isn’t bad… it has more pick up than my friends clutch… but then again his clutch is pretty bad… tries alot of stupid shit with it… hmmm

i might as well keep this thing… even though it seems hopeless and like a shit box now… if i work hard at it hopefully it’ll be on the streets soontime…

but ever since you said that thing about winter rotting and corroding my rust away… that made me think… maybe i should spray that rust proof shit on it before anything first… and even if i do have tha rust proof shit on it… maybe i can just work on it during winter and insure it when april/early spring comes around… then i’ll start driving it… but, the problem is i dont have a shop where i can keep the car at the whole winter for… and i dont think i can keep it at my friends house that long… plus… its so inconvenient for me to stop by and see the car and install whatever i buy for it in the car… sighh

i still have to safety this car and e-test… sighh… how can i transport the car?? to my house… which currently resides in port union area… i was thinking of towing… but goddam that shit is expensive…

and i dont think i’m able to do that Uhaul stuff and rent it like u other guys were sayin in the other forum… i’m only 20… dont you have to be 21 to rent shit??

anyway!! this post is about the speedometer problem too!!

does anyone know what the problem could be?
why the needle on the speedometer wasn’t working for about 10 mins of driving…

someone with all this technical knowledge… please explain to me!! I"M DYING OF LACK OF KNOWLEDGE

I’m surprise you got it to port union from fairview

mmm shoulda planed on where to put car and where to do things for the car before buying it. after all it’s huge!

don’t find a shop, dont’ you ahve a garage?

where do you live!? . I hope you dont’ live to far, b/c if you drove all the way for this car…

you know. if your friend has a 240. he shoulda told you things about it to let you think before you buy :stuck_out_tongue:

speedometer … sorry dunno about it. try the tech section like NeVeR said,

i did tell him and just use it to drive you places and to polish up your stick and have fun in the snow. not good for any projects. and his car is in better condition then mines

I’d smack whoever told you to buy this

unemployed, and you’re buying a car?

you do know that cars ALWAYS cost money, even if they’re working right?

If the frame is rotten, just painting over it won’t do a thing.

It will never pass MOT (Safety) unless the rot is replaced.

Alternator? Last I checked I think they were about $300 from Nissan.

As for your speedometer … judging by the rest of the car, it could be a lot of things. The speedo cable might have broken. The gauge might be dead … it might just be cold related. Take the speedo cable off on the tranny side, and spin it. Have someone inside the car tell you if the speedo moves.

Work from there.

Sounds like you might have a nice parts car for the next car you buy … but I think this is one of those times we all say

Cut your losses, get a job, save your money, and bring a friend with you who won’t get all giddy and tell you to buy junk. Buy a decent starting point. These cars aren’t cheap to fix. Some parts can be had for cheap, others not.

I’m not trying to be that big of a dick, but if with your limited knowledge you’re already finding problems, imagine what’s going on that you don’t know about yet?

lol , 250 for it, pm me if you want the cash now :smiley:

You paid $500, be thankful the engine runs. What the hell were you thinking? Of course a $500 car is going to be rusted to shit and nothing is going to work. Don’t get angry, it’s your own fault for not knowing anything about the car you bought.

btw mr200, the speedo is electric, not mechincal. Either the speed sensor, or the speedo itself is pooched.

really? even in S13s?

I’ve got the same tranny in mine (87 - FS5WC) and it’s still cable driven.

Heh, guess I should actually look at the S13 manual once in a while

hah yeah… about 25% of those problems… i’ve got covered for now… now i just need to worry about the means of raising the money to pay for all of this shit… LOL

a buddy of mine can get eh safety for my car for cheap… through the shop he works at… so that will pass for MTO safety…

& my buddy is going to help me do the alternator fix…

nd the brake pads and rotors? i’ll try and get that done by the same guy…