WTB: Alternator plastic peice

I need one of these:


I hate my car.

That is all.

:lol if you’re still in the area, give me a call and come and grab mine, gratis.

Grab the whole alternator- if the plastic broke off, and possibly the stud as well, there’s no ‘easy’ way of replacing that stud. Just went through the exact mess last weekend. After tearing everything apart, decided that the drilling, pressing, soldering, etc. involved in replacing the stud from the inside was nowhere near worth the time versus the ~$150 for a rebuilt alternator.


Just gonna say, the bolt is broken too. I need the whole shebang

If theres anything similar on a '92 Mustang alternator let me know and Ill give it to you.

Thanks, but I need the entire thing now. Ill just grab it from advance auto

Go to Xcel on Broadway in Schenectady.
Cheaper and they give a lifetime warranty.
I got my last starter from them.

They actually sell rebuilts to the parts stores.

The one in the Crx only has about 500 miles on it, should still be warrantied by Advanced Auto.

The only catch is, you have to get it out.

Give me whatever you want for it. :ponder

Mike, I will come to your rescue again. I have one off my D15b, um $20 and its yours.

Can I grab it tonight?

Are you sure it compatible? Let me check…bring it in to work tomorrow regaurdless, I may give you a call.

Sure, if you bring a lot of lights, the Crx is in the garage with no power in Schenectady, it would be ideal to come down during daylight. I’m free all day, every day. I got all the tools and I’ll help as much as possible.

Sounds like a plan, what time in the morning is good for you? Where exactly is it.

It’s in stockade. I’ll give you the actual address when you call, in a Txt or in a Pm.

I have a doctors appointment at 10:30, so I assume I’ll be out and about by noon, so we’ll shoot for that, if you got that off in the morning.

If you don’t get the one from Vlad, let me know. I am sure I have a few of them in my stock pile of parts.

Ok, I just need the lower bolt now. Anyone have that?

I assume you do Vlad, whats your number?