wtb amp 800+

at least 800 peak wattage post what ya got and how much pics would be nice too

ebay - hifonics brutus BX1000D
1000w rms @ 1ohm stable

  • MA Audio MA5082HX Amplifier $700 obo
    2x 400 watts @ 4 ohms RMS
    2x 700 watts @ 2 ohms RMS
    2x 1200 watts @ 1 ohm RMS
    2x 2000 watts @ 0.5 ohms RMS
    1x 1400 watts @ 4 ohms RMS
    1x 2400 watts @ 2 ohms RMS
    1 x 4000 watts @ 1 ohm RMS

i dont need amps that big 800 -1200 peak is fine no need for 1000 rms also not trying to spend huge amounts of money either

that amp on ebay is 200 new and that MA is sick i might get on that lol

im not trying to spend alot of money i see amps on here from 50-100 al lthe time thats all im looking for is a cheap decent watt amp 600 would even be fine for now

peak wattage… lol

PM BDR5OH, they have some great deals on amps.

well my current 500a2 rockford amp magically took a shit on me could sitting in a cold car cause a amp to magically stop working?

check you wires? try to bring it in and let it get to room temp? and if your happy with that amp have it rebuilt, if you dont want to deal with it i’ll take it off your hands

i brought it in im gunna see if it works tomorow. i checked the power and ground wires and redid both and it still wasnt getting power if this one dont work than that makes 3 broken amps i have but hopefully it will work

try hooking up your power and ground and remote to the amp if it dont work, make a jumper wire from the 12+ to the remote see what happens, also play with your ground wire placement

i took the bottom cover off and hit it lightly with the heairdryer to help it warm up everything looked normal and there wasnt that burnt up smell like fryed amps usually get so idk hopefully it works tomm


there wasnt that burnt up smell like fryed amps usually get


so this is a common thing for You?

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so this is a common thing for You?

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apparently it is. ive never blown an amp but i smoked an L7 a couple months ago but only cuz i knew id get a new one from warranty, which i did.

check the fuses on the amp

ive never fryed an amp but ive gotten one from a friend that was fryed. that the funny thing this amp dosnt have any fuses or if it does there hidden inside.

some amps have an actually curcit breaker in them, to rest when ther protection comes on just power the amp off then on, and i would hope ppl would check the fuses, thats like your car not starting and not seeing if its got gas

i figured out the problem its the power wirs it got burnt up a lil bit it wudnt supply power to my other amp either

try going right to your battery you dont need no big wire to power it on, hook up your pos. and neg and that jumper wire from the pos. to the rem.