Someone on here had Brembo blanks for sale… Tried search and couldn’t turn up a link :gotme:, hope someone is able to point me in the right direction… Carnut? swerve? hybrid?


Is this is for the Supra? A couple years ago I priced out some rear rotors at Napa for the hell of it since the rears tend to be somewhat expensive. The price was good @ $20-30 each. I asked where they were made since I didn’t want Chinese etc. rotors and they said “not China but unsure, possibly Canada”. I figured what the heck and ordered them. When they came I look at the box and it says made in Italy. I immediately thought Brembo. Sure enough I check out the actual rotors and they’re stamped Brembo, they were just reboxed blanks. Anyway it’s worth a try.

I still have your oil pan, I need to get that back to you.

you want brembo or ssbc? I can get affordable ssbc.

no these were going to be for a car that I am getting rid of tomorrow :slight_smile: but thanks for the heads up on the supra brakes… thats a hell of a price for em…