Brembo Rotors

I can now get them at a very resonable price.

Pm me with what you need.

PM sent


Responded to all PM’s. Keep em coming. The OEM replacements are cheap, an way better than that stock bullshit :slight_smile:

Great price on STi rotors, FYI. I got the info to my friend too late, but man…I’d replace them just for fun at that price!

Yeah, i’m getting a great deal on these.

I got brembo blanks before on the DSM.

Friggin solid rotors.

u know my car already so just give me a price u sexy fuck


How are these compared to powerslots? I’ve heard a lot of good stuff about the powerslots.

Can u get 2-piece rotors?


wait, was this a serious question? personal experience with both and and EBC rotors, Brembo blows both away in a long run, power shots “warped” in same amount of time that the stockers did, the EBC’s where better but HP+ pads tore the living shit out of the rotor, Brembo’s have been on for about 18 months with no issues. FSC’s are famous for “warping” stock rotors every 10 months or so, and even the stealerships tell you to go aftermarket, Brembo Blanks are hands down better than anything else in the same price category