wtb car around 500

looking for a decent beater for now i have 1000 total but am buying the thunderbird in a few weeks for 500 but have 500 to get a car to drive for now, wll pay 500 or less post pics

shoulda bought the mustang, good luck bro its getting harder n harder to find 500$ cars.
Ill keep my eyes peeled, i see alot of cars’



holy free candy van

your an idiot why dont you just edit your wtb1000$ car thread. GL finding a car that isnt a complete piece of shit, why dont you get a job?

Honestly, you’ll be hard pressed to find a sub $500 car that doesn’t need some sort of major work these days. These might be a decent bet.

http://buffalo.craigslist.org/car/749516068.html (No idea on condition)

But honestly if you’re going to have a car soon, why buy a second?

i do have a job, im a quicklane tech at a dealership

then just save up and get a nice car?

why dont you but a wholesale trade-in car? I used to pick sub-$500 car all the time.

You can take over payments on my ZR2.

thats what im waiting for nothing good has come in thats cheaper yet

close please, i got a 95 probe 5spd for 400 so im set now i can save for the new fun