Looking for a new daily driver…4 or 6 cylinder car or compact truck (Ranger/S10)…preferably 5sp but auto is ok:
Will Pass Inspection with minor repairs (brakes/tires)
Car Preferably 4 Door
Doesn’t leak Anything
Fuel System Must Be Good Condition
Good Break/Fuel Lines
Let me know what you guys got…Ive got cash in hand and am looking to pick something up this weekend.
1998 Lumina LTZ. Needs Tires. Someone on here had the right size for sale for $80. Looking for $2200/BO for the car. loaded, 3.8L V6, auto great Daily Driver
i will be leaving at the end of the month and i will probably be selling my 99 ranger. its got 182,XXX. check engine light is on (mass air flow sensor). oil changes regularly, needs new back tires. also comes with 4 studded tires. the body needs some work, i did some work to the tailgate and other spots but its in fairly good condition. ill get pics if ur intersested.
Looking for a new daily driver…4 or 6 cylinder car or compact truck (Ranger/S10)…preferably 5sp but auto is ok:
Sorry this is what i was replying to. i did read but the wrong thing.