WTB: car, preferebly japanese, cheap

I would love an older accord if they are around. Here’s my problem. I had a 97 nissan Pickup trash for quite sometime. It always had its quirks from the day I got it, well now it’s clutch took a shit and in the process of fixing it i realized that it wasn’t worth fixing, by the fact that the underbody is one large morphed piece of rust. Soo. I need a car. Like everyone else something that gets good gas mileage. I can’t seem to catch a fucking break lately, so if anyone knows someone with something for sale cheap let me know please I would appreciate it. I’m f’ing broke and it sucks. I don’t want to sell my bike, again.

Thanks :slight_smile:


which gen accord?

if you’re willing to drive, i may be able to help you locate a clean one down here. let me know man, i def. owe you.

define cheap.

hoping to keep it at 1000 or below.

cb7 ftw

i’ll keep my eye out don, unless you want le cackord lol

thanks jam, you can keep le cackord. Something tells me she wouldn’t like to run for anyone else. It’s like christine, but no self fixing when you abuse it.

Here are a few

