WTB: CB7 Honda Accord (90-93)

bump for Jam…if you want help dude I can make a thread on cb7tuner for you :tup: PM me if you want some help…good luck with the search dude

LOL he was kinda always a quiet dude haha.

jam ill keep an eye out for one or ill let you know when i sell mine.

bump still looking


i don’t know anything about this. I just stumbled upon it surfing craigslist.

hahahahhahah omfg ex WAGON!

i srsly cant stop laughing idk


would like to find one this spring, lmk. le cackord is on its last legs

Did you try cb7tuner?

Fuck I miss my cb7 coupe. That f22 was a fun winter car to beat the piss out of.

Those things just will NOT die!!!

le cackord has been on its last legs since about the turn of this century. that car runs on hope. just sayin’.

Cackord can’t die.

still looking! anyone?

tonymissu I assume you sold that cherry one? that thing was nice

I can’t understand your facination with these cars. I’ll keep my eyes peeled though.

cb7s are the greatest honduh evar!!

i’m also in the market for another one…gl with the search jam

there is one on craigslist for $4k lol. its fucking cherry, check it out

I should change the thread title to cb7 accord or some other kkind of rusty obd1 honda

and jj, they’re great. reliable, relatively fun to drive, reliable, not too big yet not too small, reliable, mad tyte JDM looks, also did I mention they’re super reliable? :slight_smile:

They are great beaters- I still regret selling the rusty one with the caved in fender I had as a winter car in HS- I paid only $500 for it in 2001 and it was perfect all winter. Decently quick, comfy, and fun to drive with the 5sp, and that was after driving my '91 GLI. When my old Accord rusts in half I’m picking up a CB7 wagon beater for sure.

Poor Cackord isn’t doing so hot.:frowning: Actually, it was pretty hot- literally.