WTB: Computer

Looking for a desktop… not looking to spend a million dollars. Must be able to run photoshop and other graphics programs.

I have one for $90,000

solid deal but i’ll pass

Lance lemme take a look when I get home, pretty sure I have some old Core 2 Duo sht laying around and may be able to throw together and get rid of it cheap

Wifes been nagging me to get rid of some of this shit :rofl

OK, I also need my laptop fixed. I need a new HDD and a new copy of windows installed on it

I have a laptop I am looking to sell for pretty cheap. Its the wifeys. Its a dell. Works great, she just got a new one so we dont use it anymore.

You need what I haz!

i think im going to grab amd’s machine


I’m into it.

Let me know if you want me to do it. $50 + HDD cost (likely around $45-50).

I do… but my issue is the windows sticker on the bottom is completely worn off

That’s alright…I have an OS I can use on your PC.

I can fix your laptop free of charge with purchase of my PC :wink:

Or that. lol.

info? price?

i have a gaming tower i need to get rid of. 400$ obo. completely built probably 3-4 years ago which cost over 1500. its complete you just need a mouse, keyboard and monitor and you’re good to go