WTB: Dog crate or Kennel

Looking for a dog crate by this weekend to keep permenantly at my camp. Im tired of hauling mine two hours everytime we take the dog. Would need to be for a medium to large sized dog. Ive checked craigslist and i thought id check here. Any help is appreciated.

i have one for sale. Used it for my siberian husky (50 lbs), who no longer needs it. Its one of the big plastic ones. Will post a pic shortly.

crappy cell pic, but you get the idea.

Its a petmate pet porter deluxe
Asking $60


bump…anyone else??

I have a Kennel sitting in my back yard that is being unused.Will PM you the specs later if you like.

i just picked up a create/play pen. its like the cages you have on a create, but its topless, and really big. it folds up in like a minute and is about a half a foot wide if that when it is all folded up

it is sort of like this one, but its all metal the one i bought and its got a nice door on it. bout it at pet smart for 80$ with tax

^ ive checked those out, my dog is to big and if he wanted to could easily jump over/break it.

honestly try looking at walmart

to big to fit inside this thing? my golden retriever fits in this thing with room to spare, and they even have a bigger version of it

walmart is about 80 for a full size metal crate, was just checking them out

i have a dog cage i used for a pitbull but this thing is massive at least 6 feet tall 5 ft wide but would sell cheap prob dont need or use it anymore

Here’s a Pic of the kennel.

We bought a collapsible crate at Gander Mountain. $29.99. It’s a little bit short but our 100lbs Golden Retriever fits in it comfortably and we can easily take it anywhere.

Otherwise, I’d recommend Ebay. Even with shipping, our 42" crate was cheaper than any of the local stores we checked.

3sny is full of shit and doesn’t follow through with anything. Don’t bother with this lying sack of crap! He has a long history of fucking people over, including me.

If you don’t find one on here, check out the pet shop at the SPCA. FAAARRRR cheaper than anywhere else. I got mine for $65.