wtb english bulldog

anyone on here know of anyone that has one?

xander has one, I think he got it from a breeder in ohio

do you know the name of the breeder?

Dont cheap out, go to a good breeder, thye have alot of health issues, which good breeders try very hard to eliminate, ours ended up being about and 8k dog by the time we lost him last year.

Yeah, bulldogs are not easy dogs to shop for. Your best bet is to find someone that has one and has some good solid experience with the breeder. If you spend less then 3500 on the dog, chances are the breed is crappy. They are NOT cheap dogs by any means. Don’t support shitty breaders.

+1 ours was 1500, and although he was a great dog, we had many issues with him, and none of them where cheap, he ultimately ended up with leukemia

The breeder in Ohio’s name is Jerry Troyer and his number is 330-763-4887. I think he mostly breeds French bull dogs though.

We have 2 right now in our home., I am not sure if LI is to far for you but she is a breeder. She only deals with you as a one on one base and you will have to wait anywhere from 6 monts to a good year to get one.
We foster bullies in our home sometimes when one may come up for adoption, so if you really want I can keep my ears open for an older one also.
They are a lot of work that is true and can empty your pocket, think about pet insurance either way you go.

Contact me anytime if you have questions I can help you with since we have had bullies for many many years now.

Good luck

My next door neighbor is a breeder. I believe he has a litter coming soon. I’ll post up the details when I talk to him.

thanks for all the help please keep me posted. this is something I dont want to rush

You have a pm…

i have a french bulldog. if you’re interested in one of those, we went through the best breeder my family could find. they are located in the catskills. after we bought our dog, we found out she was allergic to grass. the breeder called to check up and see how she was doing. we told her about the allergy and the breeder demanded that she pay for all of the vet/doggy dermatologist bills.

edit: she sells english bulldogs too. i completely forgot! i’ll send you a pm in a couple minutes