local english bulldog breeders

I know there is a few members with English bulldogs around here. Been my dream dog for a long time, wanted one so bad. Let me know if anyone has a lead to a quality breeder anywhere in the area.


Everyone of my friends that have them have had the dogs flown in, or have flown out of state to pick them up. Hope you have money saved up for the Vet also, I know the one dog already has well over 10k in bills alone.

Pm HANSTECH. He has an english bulldog.

Gonna do that, but for the time being, I found a breeder in PA that i might go pick one up this weekend

Do a bunch of research… Will be worth it in the end. Was going to buy a English till I started researching and talking to people that own them that I know.

Like d. Gage said, the people I know that own them have big money into their dogs.

Spend a few grand more and get a French bulldog.

fuck the french bulldog. I’ve done lots of research of the english. Ive wanted one for years. Was just wondering if there was any local breeders I may have missed. If not, I may drive out to ohio this weekend and get one. I’d love a healthy female and breed her down the road so I can have more puppies. I love having puppies around

English bulldogs are awesome when they are puppy’s. Then they get uglier than Pjbs first sexual encounter.

Just busting your balls, I’ll ask my buddy where he got his. Awesome looking dog.

You probably know they need a c-section to have puppies right? And Reputable breeders charge more for a puppy that’s not spade or neutered. I wanna say 500-1000 more for breeding rights.

Yeah, Ive done a good bit a research, Was just going to get a male at first, but I think I want a female to breed down the road (and have new puppies)

Just trying to find a good breeder. Been going through tons of reviews tonight finding a reputable one

Just checked the place where I got my french just for shits and giggles. She is now breeding English bulldogs. Shes a vet in jersey and I would highly reccomend her due to her dogs being raised with other dogs and her family.

Look on left side of screen, under english

Thanks man, I will call them tomorrow as their site doesnt seem to provide too much info

Holy FUCK at those prices…

No prob, not the cheapest around I’m sure… That blue English is going to make some good looking pups.

You don’t see French bulldogs in the hood.

True that. Just never realized the coin they go for. You know how many tattoos in hotel rooms I could get for 5k??? Shhhiiiiiioooooot!

  • rep haha

And thats why I rescue dogs! I don’t care what breed they are they all deserve a good home and I just can’t see paying that much and making a business out of giving a dog a forever home.

I agree. My Weimaraner I bought through a breeder. When my wife and I decided to get another dog we thought it would be best to adopt and we’re glad we did because we got a very well behaved dog.

I’m in bed with two rescues me and my girl got as puppies and my French bulldog. My family and hers have been rescuing dogs forever. Problem is that when you like a breed and want one like French and English bulldogs, they aren’t easy to find to rescue. Goes back to you don’t find them in the hood statement.

Agreed, most rescues are muts, but I just want every dog to have a good home no matter what the breed. Plus to me mix breeds tend to have a much better temperament and usually the best features of both dogs and not all the health issues. I mean if you think about purebred dogs, it’s like humans breeding with there own family. You will get a bunch of skidplates running around. LOL I have nothing against purebred dogs but they certainly tend to have more health issues in life.