
Anyone know a breeder?


fucking awesome looking dogs

when i graduate and get a place of my owni am def gonna be looking into a bullmastiff

nice lookin dog…I want one.

minglor is an english mastiff breeder…


Not me.

but the family has before but not currently.

I like my english mastiffs, big drooly babies.
Hard to find good line with good hips etc


I guy I used to work with breeds them I believe. I can look into it for you if you want and give him a call.

mastiff>ghetto pitbull any day!!!

just put my cane corso mastiff to sleep a few weeks ago. miss him already!

(only mine had droopy ears too, i’ll put up a pic later)

English mastiffs ftw

I’d appreciate it.


true, though I have always liked pure, blue pit terriers.

well i meant the pitbulls that the scumbags raise in the ghetto.

cane corsos are very nice too

I don’t know a breeder, but knew someone who used to own one… AWESOME dogs :tup: It’s neck was the girth of a basketball


good site here, hope it helps

Nick … were you watching “A Baby Story” this morning on TLC …

heh… no, but apparently YOU were :baby:

besides, thats next year.

I rather have an english mastiff and so should you

If anyone else has local breeder information please send it to me too, I’m looking for one of these come spring time.

PM me so i remember, my g/f can prob get me a few numbers for breeders. these would be pure bred though so ~$800-$1200.