WTB: F22 Raptor

Must be in good condition and fully armed with JDAMs.

Low miles preferred, say below 100k.

I need it to drop a 500lb laser guided JDAM on unsuspecting friends as the grand finale to a fireworks show. :thankyou:


So who else is stoked for 4th of July? I know this guy is! :hay:

What are your plans? (for those of you who arent goin to Onyx’s thing :redface: )

fuck, i just moved my last one.

How bout an F18?

no plans… whats goin on locally? prolly just goin to hang out with the lady friend.

I work for Lockheed Martin but sadly it is in a different division. First challenge is to even get near one.

I am sure you could find some bad ass ground to air missiles on the LM site, search by product… :slight_smile:

No plans now since I can’t afford to go to WGI for the GP.

god we just bought so much shit. lol

mike your house is going down, this is going to be an absolute blast.


I will probably be at the grandparents-inlaws. Which sucks because I’d miss any potential shenanigans, but is really cool because they live on this old several hundred year old family tree farm up a dirt road in New Hampshire. Something like 500 acres. Home in a valley. Absolutely beautiful. Wifey’s Grandpa makes the best Manhattan I’ve ever had.

So wheres the party at this year? it sucks im scheduled to work the damn overnight this year. gay…

^its in my pants

IRL for me…

trying to resist the urge to talk about fighters :frowning:

I have one, I might let go for 7 million pepsi points?

i will give you a million cheeseburgers, a million small fries, a Pagani Zonda and gasoline for life.

Yes, I would like to extend to all of you an invitation to the pants party.

brick, did brian and the guys put you up to this?

F that dude! Our Star Wars display will PWN an F22. 250 shot X 2!!!

m gonna probably go obliterate some pallets with 1/4 sticks and then get pictures of me running over the top of a massive pile of burning pallets nearby. preferably burning the hair off my legs and arms in the process.

edit: and oh yea, have a mortar war … simple process … throw tube in fire, lauch mortar round by hand across the lawn /edit

or have i done that already ?

well, what ever i do, it will probably result in more burn holes in my red polo shirt w/ the lil american flag …

and oh yea, i intend to be fucking hammered beyond belief … if i dont post on the forum by that sunday night, someone call audios and say i wont be into work that monday, lol

Did you do that once… Let me take a look at my back and see if the mortar scar is still there lol

That was beyond insane. the best part of that night was 20 people shooting roman candles at ?beck? I believe it was.

lol, epic success that night was

Not gonna cut it sir. :poke:

Sounds like something gay that a married couple would do. :tup: Just kiddin, sounds nice Jimbolicious! :hay:

Shit yeah. :thankyou:

it was an epic party, obviously since i threw it :hero: :smiley: