WTB front passenger window forr wagovan.

yep. it got smashed out and its filling with snow now. whos got a parts car? chances are slim.



Crx the same door?

nope. i almost wonder if the sedan window will fit. but i doubt it.

Hey I used to have one of those! It was at Rubins, then his dad had it towed. lol

Try Sunshine Auto parts in Rotterdam Junction or Williams. They both usually have old shit and dont crush much.

I have several, to bad they are not for sale.

fortunately your mother was very much for sale, and a great bargain i might add.

you hit it too? damn :wierd

you were there…

this is the reason y his brother had court in Cobleskill today :lol


I live in Cobleskill. Nothing happens here. I saw Justin’s sister in the Bimmer, then later Tyson parked somewhere, I dont recall where. First time I have gone outside in DAYS

Lets get this guy a window! Yeah! GLWFNWFW

yo seamskiii cheaper to crush it and put the extra $$$$ for your paintwork…lollll

PICS! :excited

I chose Transformer toys, over the “camera phone.” Sorry lol

60$ from east park lol. i got somethin else in the works for the paint $$$ :wink: call me more often buddy, im always looking to make deals.:hug

whered you see my sis at crazy legs, she needs to wash the poor 3 series. DAMN women drivers
