Drive to a local wrecker for a 24 of beer.

I’m still trying to get my window and seats put into the coupe…believe it or not.

The window that came with the car is uninstalled, and the genius who got it for me didn’t bother to look into harware for me…

So I’ve called every wrecker from Belleville to Brockville… no 240’s with windows, or windoe hardware…

So I got the door schematic from Smithsfalls Nissan. Got all the part numbers i needed for the hardware…and Nissan doesn’t make that hardware anymore.

So today i called every last Auto Glass install shop, hoping they’d have generic hardware and i hoped that they could come out… but NONE of them will do the work with out ME sourcing the hardware…

I will buy someone a case of 24 beer if they can go to any wrecker and grab me these elusive pieces of hardware.

For the love of God.

I am looking for these specific pieces, please don’t tell me to go to the Home Depot.


Member: Kevin Gray & Black

You said you’d send me the seat bolts…
Where the hell are they???

If anyone who goes out for me to get the window hardware, if you can get the bolts that hold the 2 front seats down, ill throw another $15 ontop.

$45 for a trip to the wrecker, that’s a deal.

check pm’s

what if that person is underage lol

$45 ^^^ cash in hand

What window parts do you need exactly?

^^^^ yeah, what exactly are u looking for?

i went to dom’s auto wrecker in oshawa/ajax area, and they had about 4 s13 shells in the u-pick. they are pretty anal about letting people in the u-pick, but u can get in. call them or check them out in person, ask them if they still have the 240’s in theyard, they had doors and looked to be mint (better than some i’ve seen on the road). :smiley:

if u need a lift, PM me

^^^ I’d take a lift from you, but i don’t think you want to come to kingston… :lol:

i don’t need seat bolts anymore i have someone with them now.

It’s funny you ask what hardware i need… cuz i have this:

frig, kingston and back is a long ways…

there are a few peeps parting out 240’s here, ask them maybe?

lol dude, should of asked a couple of weeks ago. i recently just changed my window due to a break in. But i think u will not be able to use those pieces b/c it seems to be glued/stuck to the actual window. but good luck.

I have all those parts if you want them. $50. Only problem is I am in Oakville :). I might be able to ship them to you?

sorry about the seat bolts phat , i have lost your address :? so just pm me with it and i will send you the bolts as i promessed at no cost as i sed , i know how much you needed them so i was not trying to stiff you at all .
