WTB: honda engine harness

need to get my hands on a B-series OBD1 non-vtec engine harness. let me know what ya guys have and price. tanks

im pretty sure that b-series and d-series obdI harnesses are the same

EDIT: but cant u just get a conversion harness?

EDIT2: http://www.boomslang.us/obd0to1.htm

i was under the impression that the conversion harness is just an adaptor so a OBD1 engine harness plugs into an OBD0 car. am i wrong there?

i thought it was so that u could plug an obdII motor into an obdI ecu

but ive been known to be wrong before

well, we want to plug an obd1 motor into an obd-0 interior harness with a obd1 p75 ecu

Here you go.

^ ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh…NOW i get it lol. you run all stock wiring other than an obd1 ecu and disty…and the conversion harness plugs into the stock car’s harness made to go into the obd0 ecu, then has the adaptors to plug an OBD1 ECU in it’s place. sweet.

thanks guys. you roxor.


hey check this out…

OBD0 to OBD1 dizzy

yeah i meant to say obd0 to obd1

yeah ur buddy needs this one Rywire Motorsports Electronics : Home

SWEETNESS. thanks again lol