WTB: Honda shell

Exactly why you dont need another car

cky89 is the new MIKERI24

Well he is not new at it



i can make my own decisions thanks

I will probably be selling my 1995 civic pretty soon.

heres the link from when i bought it http://www.nyspeed.com/forums/showthread.php?t=40709&highlight=1995+civic

pics dont work

you flip flop on your decisions like a fish out of water

all my other ideas were retarded. this one i can stick with and take my sweet ass time with

you sold one project, flip flopped on like 8/9 ideas, and then got yourself involved with another project. Good job buddy.


i am still waiting for you to run me, and not just cut me off crusing.

Its hard to want to do so many things, and be able to afford so little, I know how it feels to just want to have somthing to work on, Give him a break

is it dry out now?


its not a civic but a honda

here is a teg http://rochester.craigslist.org/car/635366655.html

another one im finding these all day

Dear fucking God. If you don’t have anything to say about where he can find a Honda shell then don’t fucking post in this thread. :mad:

hmm that crx is tempting…
I may have to call on it.
Thanks Roy:tup: