OH …
post number 3 in the thread… and FYI, trash goes out tonight.
Flobby get the fucking airbox you moron.
hes probably got some bootleg catch can there…
I wouldn’t be surprised. lol
I got a 4", 2.5" and 2" here. No dice on a 3". I could have a K&N, AEM or Injen here Weds depending on which ones available, just and FYI.
Yea i got the massive 1 gallon catch can.Didnt you know?
wow, so 3inch filter is going in the trash. roger that.
LaDuke is too much of an IDIOT to realize you are basically saying “COME GET THIS 3” FILTER FOR FREE"
I guess so.He said it like 5 times.
I’ve got one, not free though. $10, same thing as the one you blew up apparently.
Ill go get it then sell it to LaDuke for 20 bucks
Sounds fair?
Sounds like a typical move of yours.
yeah sounds about right.
What type of filter is it ??
Moved some shit around , got the airbox to fit in the position.The intake that I had broke apart again.Will never buy spectre or how ever you spell it parts again.
So I am good until I get the filter.I have noticed with the filter more top end power rather then the stock airbox.But with the airbox you get more torque.
:rofl sounds like something I would do so, yeah!
goota make money some how… buy/mark up/sell seems easy enough to me
How does an intake “break apart” is what I want to know. :rofl
Keep the fails coming, Bobby!
Ok so, the first launch that i did at the track it happend.The filter has been around for a while so it doesnt suprise me.The black piece that fits into the filter like a seal is like cracked and will not go in secure AKA loose like your moms vagina.So Every time I am WOT thing snaps off and causes issues .So i said fuck it go with airbox until I get the AEM dryflow.