WTB: Jeep Wrangler 97+

I’ve been searching for 2 weeks and the only ones I found that had everything I wan’t were Yellow and Tan, my least favorite colors.

Maybe someone knows one for sale privately or something cause I can’t find anything.

Looking for…

-Around 10k or lower
-4 cyl
-5sp prefered, but will take auto
-Black Interior
-Color choices by rank…

  1. Black
  2. Gray
  3. Blue, Red, Green
  4. White
  5. Tan or Yellow (wouldn’t even get these ones)

I don’t think this is being to picky lol.

Any help is appreciated.

If you are intersted in a fixer up, I got one hella cheap, only needs a motor

you have a 97+ as a fixer upper? pics?

older, just saw your other thread

why didn’t you just hold out until you got the engine & trans you wanted? jeeps aren’t that hard to find, esp if you’re willing to travel w/ a preapproved loan :tup:

you dont want the 4 cylinder. It doesnt get much better gas mileage maybe 2 MPG’s and its a DOG. Its crying going on hilly roads and is pretty bad for off roading. Get the 6 and dont look back

yea, got the 6cyl and happy i did.

Thread can close lol