I have seen that one as well. The guy wants 1500 for ita nd said he would meet me in clevland to deliver it. I still am waiting fo rthe one in Pitt.
Still looking but I want a street legal one. Thanks for thinking about me though.
i thought that one could be street legal… my bad
used to have one. best place for speed & parts. www.teamcalamari.com
edit also. if you buy one. i have a set of brand new V tires for it also id sell ya cheap…
thats nothing like a ysr, that is full size and gay
not according to the first pic in the thread…
that stands about as tall as the hood on the car.
what i meant is the ysr is small that bike on craigslist is bigger and cheap
what i meant is the ysr is small that bike on craigslist is bigger and cheap
oooh, i dont know anything about them.
just saw it said 50cc and thats what he was looking for.
that thing is sweet
i had a ysr 80, they were only available in canada. ysr50s you could buy in the states, i had mine registered and insured this was awesome. if you find one i still have parts, i have a brand new set of battleax tires.
BUMP, Im still looking for one if anyone knows of one locally I may be interested.
you gotta keep your eyes peeled buddy. there were two mint as hell YSR’s on CL not too long ago. One was black and the other was white/red. they were both around 2 grand
Get a roller, and swap in a YZ80 engine. Then it will go 65mph. I think there are kits to do that, but probably not hard to fab something up. I have seen them before.