WTB: Low Profile Jack

I want to buy a low profile jack like the michilan ones.

If anyone has any hookups with Canadian Tire or something or some other store that will sell them cheaper for boxing day sales, let me know.

cash in hand

msn: overb0ost@hotmail.com


princess auto

I have their low profile aluminum jack, they sell it for like 100 dollars. No problems with it.

The one at Princess Auto is the little one, that’s similar to the one that CT sells with the two stands for $50.

The Michellin one is about $200ish or so at CT if I recall and it’s not the low-pro Alum one I believe (someone correct me).

this is the one i’m talking about


That’s not a low profile jack. That’s a speedy-lift aluminium one and that’s the $200+ one.

The cheaper one is smaller and looks more like:


oh shit. my bad. i just assumed it was low profile since its LOW.

the one you posted, is it the same clearence level as the speedy-lift. i need something that is nice and low so it can get under my frame. normal jacks i can’t even get to my diff so i need one of these bad boys to reach there.

and how much do those go for, and where would i be able to purchase that one?

thanks Gonad!

The low-pros as mentioned are in the ~$100 range.

The speedy lifts are usually double that but worth it if you do a lot of jacking off…er…up.

But yea, check out Princess Auto. You’ll find the jack including other neat stuff. :slight_smile:

ok thanks Gonad.

do you know the difference between the two? i’m guessing the speedy-lift jacks up faster than the low pro one. but how about the height difference? are they both the same height?

the sole purpose is to have a low jack to reach under lowered cars.

the speed of jacking up the car doesn’t make a huge difference to me, i’ll just pump faster haha

edit: and then theres also this one

i found a nice comparison between the low profile jack that Princess Auto has compared to a Torin jack (same as the aluminum speedy jack that CT sells for $299)

Is there any real benefit to having a bigger jack? the one that CT has seems to be much bigger and lowest point is 3.75" while the low profile is 3.5". however, it seems that the CT jacks up higher and thats the only real benefit i see.

theres 0.25" difference, but i guess it counts when you need it. can anyone tell me a reason why not to buy the low profile jack? any reasons concerning the size of the jack? its smaller, but i don’t see any issue of it not doing its job.

and i just checked the princess auto site, the low profile jack is $150 for the 1.5ton aluminum floor jack

thanks everyone

ps: where can i get the one you posted gonad? it seems to be slightly different


I have that princess auto one pictured. If i need to go higher I have a some wood i put between it. It gets it high enough for me and its nice and light.

did you get it for $100? was that a sale price or something?

seems like its listed on the site for $150.

gonna check it out tmw.

samson let me know if you find one. need one also sick of driving on 2x4’s just to lift the car

100 was a sale price. I was in the store not long ago and they were still 100 dollars. Go check it out, let me know what you come up with.

i got the bigger jack.

the yellow and black one.

reg price is like $299?

i got the bigger one, my friend got the $100 one.

so if i ever need a mini version, i can always go over to borrow it.


thanks for all the help guys!

this can be locked if needed.

Stay away from that Michelin jack. I have it and it is in NO WAY a low-pro. The only place I can fit it is under the rear diff…It’s not nearly low enough to even get under my side skirts or front lip.

i thought i should add my two cents in here…

i have the jack pictured below and I DO NOT recommend this jack. The first time I lifted a car with it I was nervous of it falling over and breaking. I try not to use it unless I really have to. There are three good things about this jack:

  • Its fast
  • Its light
  • Its [sort of] low (not at all compared to a real low-pro jack, but its lower than most)

EVERYTHING ELSE you would expect from a jack it does not have. It feels like its going to break at any moment. It actually DID break on my once before I even jacked up a car I was about to lift… that was about 4 weeks after I got it - you’ll notice that there is one large roller on the front (hardly a roller, it usually just slides around if there is much weight on it) - that roller has two bearings, one on each end (if you can call them bearing… bearing usually actually roll… these hardly do) and a hex bolt to hold it on - well one of those bolts actually sheered right off when I started to lift my sisters civic to change the tires. I mean, the tires werent even off the ground yet so it wasnt a big deal - but thank god they were shitty quality enough to break when they did or else I might have had a leg under one of the wheels while I was taking it off (I generally try not to do this, but you know what I mean).

DO NOT buy this jack.

Also, Sears, Canadian Tire, Power First, Michelin, MIT, and many other people all brand these aluminum jacks (they come annodized in yellow, red, blue and silver from what i’ve seen depending on the brand and the “load rating” of the jack) - but they’re all the same crap quality.

I doubt the bolts shear very often but regardless of that, they are downright frightening to use and I don’t suggest risking your legs, or if you’re not idiot enough to put your legs under your car with only a jack holding it up, its not worth risking your brake rotors. :smiley:

Consider this your warning ;]


//edit// just a quick note that I should mention. Torin is another who sells these exact jacks. This picture blatantly reveals that they are the same manufacturer and just branded differently, add Torin to my list of Jacks NOT TO BUY :smiley:


Here is the MIT Version, I always loved this one:

Annndd the michelin version:

I love to jack off

ya it looked a bit small and thats why i went with the jack below:




This jack cost me $129 at princess auto with mad savings because of boxing day and also another added discount because they were going to have it on sale in 2weeks. so they gave it to me for an amazing price imo.

first impression i got from using this jack was very sturdy and it lifted the car pretty fast.

clearence is like 4" lowest point and highest pt is 14-16"?

good enuff for me, as long as it can reach my frame and my diff.

John, im glad you didn’t lose your leg over a cheap product. Any experience or feedback on the above jack i posted?

no experience with it but I regret not buying that one instead of the one that I did - I only paid $59.99 for mine, so it’s not a huge waste. I’m glad to see that they used a different design for the rollers on the front of that one. That one large roller thing is just crap. :smiley: Let us know how it goes.

I have a jack that looks exactly like the grey one (first pic, left jack) and have had no problems with it. It is low, light, quick and lifts my car very well.

The pic under it looks like the same jack, looking at the rear castor mounts and bolts/nuts on the sides, even the screw to remove the handle. The only thing that looks different is the handles, and even that is hard to tell.

Oh, and I payed just over $100 for it, prolly 99.99 plus taxes.
