ok thanks Gonad.
do you know the difference between the two? i’m guessing the speedy-lift jacks up faster than the low pro one. but how about the height difference? are they both the same height?
the sole purpose is to have a low jack to reach under lowered cars.
the speed of jacking up the car doesn’t make a huge difference to me, i’ll just pump faster haha
edit: and then theres also this one
i found a nice comparison between the low profile jack that Princess Auto has compared to a Torin jack (same as the aluminum speedy jack that CT sells for $299)
Is there any real benefit to having a bigger jack? the one that CT has seems to be much bigger and lowest point is 3.75" while the low profile is 3.5". however, it seems that the CT jacks up higher and thats the only real benefit i see.
theres 0.25" difference, but i guess it counts when you need it. can anyone tell me a reason why not to buy the low profile jack? any reasons concerning the size of the jack? its smaller, but i don’t see any issue of it not doing its job.
and i just checked the princess auto site, the low profile jack is $150 for the 1.5ton aluminum floor jack
thanks everyone
ps: where can i get the one you posted gonad? it seems to be slightly different