WTB: LS1 $6500

Well things kinda fell thru with the last car so im in the market again because I really want a car for the summer. Doesnt matter auto or manual. Also it can be a camaro, firebird, trans am. Must look somewhat decent and run good. If its in driving distants I will be interested ( i know alot of you guys are on ls1,ls1tech… if u see anything let me know)

There’s a nice looking black Z28 Camaro on Niagara falls blvd I think into the Niagara-Wheatfield area.

is that the one that was discussed earlier on here for like 20,000?

There is a camaro on transit road across from like the tops plaza sort of, if you’re coming from walden it’s on the right, about 200 feet before french road

i honestly don’t know if it is a V8 or not, but im pretty sure it had z28 rims

they are after market rims and its a v6

i seen that one , i may go check it out that out tomm

lol i need glasses to drive, and i wasnt wearing them. fail:roflpicard:


If it was, I was unaware of it. I mentioned it in another WTB thread but didn’t follow up if people responded about it.

edit- I finally looked back at that thread and apparently the guy is asking 25k, rediculous lol

ughh no luck…camaro on transit and french is a v-6, and Lia honda has a nice firebird outside but its a v-6 too… ughh

i was going to mention that one lol^ it’s red on the front lawn right?

yaa its mint but first thing i saw was the 120mph tach :frowning:

That thing is a V6? Waste.

ya only like 42k miles i think and there asking 9,000…ehh i had my share of v6 power, got boring


Uh try LS1tech you can find them all day for 6500