WTB: N64 with 4 controllers and goldeneye

As the title says im looking for a N64 and 4 controllers with goldeneye. The cheaper the better.


I can get you the ROM and an Emulator, then you’ll just need 4 controllers and the USB adaptors :stuck_out_tongue:

I have to rom and emulator but I thought the system wouldnt be that much and easier but hey if anyone has 4 controllers and the adapters to use them Ill take those. Not sure if I need a multitap or something but my laptop has 3 usb ports already


found this… but I believe radioshack also carries them (I know they carry the PSX (only) to USB unit) for around the same price

i have the game. not the n64 i’ll try to find it then pm you if i find it. i’ll probably just give it to you, omg it’s a kick ass game… perfect dark is one you can get also, it has all the goldeneye levels in it