wtb-Nokia 8800 Unlocked

if anybody can get this cheaper then store prices i have cash in hand.

ps don’t care how you get as long as it works.



last i seen some guy selling one there for 800$

i’ll do 600, 500 …800 is like the price in stores.


You’re selling your car to buy a fancy-ass phone? I don’t even know you, yet I can safely say this makes you the person I respect least out of all 8 billion-ish on this planet.
Still, try ebay, best place for saving money.

Hey, it’s a pretty cool phone 8) Needless to say though, this guy has got one hell of a cell phone fetish.

I guess I was being too harsh, but for myself, and most of us here, I would only get rid of my car if I absolutely had to. Like, if I could not afford to get by anymore. Your car is like… it’s like your child… I dunno, I mean a phone is just a phone. You can’t beat the shit out of your phone on the track, I mean… you COULD, but it wouldn’t be as fun :smiley:
Meh, a phone can’t love you like a car can :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe if you wait another 3-4 months, you’ll be able to get it for cheaper… it’s still a fairly recent phone…

the 8800 or 8801, is JUNK I’ve seen phones with far superior functionality and accessories for around the $200 level. don’t waste you money on a phone you saw on TV, plus you will never find it lower than 800 anywhere.

oo MY GOD…people on this site have way to much time on their hands.

please don’t commint unless you know me personaly, cause i never indended to sell my car and by a phone.



Hey, if I could have any phone, it’d be the 8800. I dunno what Solarian is on about selling your car for it, cause I don’t think anyone else read that in here.

Anyways, if you find one for under $600, let me know and I’ll take two.

btw pics of phone in question, because it’s so cool 8)


Maybe b/c your car selling thread starts with the words need cash? Yet you want to buy the most expensive phone that exists?



Ahahahaha! Nice, I got owned :oops:

dude this guy has picked up a 240 and is selling his nx … he posted this cuse he wanted to see if any can get this phone here cheeper than $800 .

cuse thats what hes paying if no one here knows .

needs cash for his 240 . has cash for the nokia phone .



got point Kevin Grey and black. and u know why he has such a a good pont?

meaning his comments are CORRECT.

some people have way to much time on there hands… and take this site WAY TO SERIOUSLY.

thanks and have a good day!

justin_NX soon to be justin_SX


not much cheap but they got other cool ass phones