WTB or WTHave: Lowes or HD 10% off coupon

I need a 10% off coupon for lowes or Home Depot ASAP. Would like to save a hundred bucks on lumber for my deck. Let me know what you got.


search the forums at slickdeals.net or others like that… the secret is to find one of the one time use ones and make a ton of copies. they both accept each other’s coupons, so you just have a use the lowes one at home depot over and over again since they can’t scan it.

:smiley: enjoy.

go to the post office get a change of address packet there is a lowes one inside i may still have one here i can look if you like

edit: and its 12% at lowes

shit didn’t think of SD and im always on there.

hmmm may have to do this.


the change of address packet only has a card in it saying to go to lowes webpage and sign up for the change of address thing. it takes a few days to get the email back for it. i would like to start this before i go back to work monday.

I think Depot has a “sign up for a Depot Card and save 10%” deal.

go to len-co behind the eastern hills mall. you’ll probably save a bunch on lumber.

shit i wish i was in town id let you use my discount card

damn that woulda been nice. anychance you could get me any coupons??? ;):grouphug:

I always buy mine off of ebay.i’LL CHECK TO SEE IF ANYONE LOCALLY HAS ONE FOR YA NOW.oops

only really local one ends in 4 days.I emailed them asking if they have more then one

i havnt seen any coupons at work sorry…

i know what you can do, come visit and we will buy all the shit here in va…lol

pm me what u need and i’ll send you a quote monday.

i found my lowes discount coupon send me a pm if you wanna pick it up

thanks for the idea. girlfriend found this link:


signed up a couple of times. printed out doubles of them all and used them at lowes and home depot. could still make more copies and keep going to depot. saved 50 so far out of 400 spent on cement, 4x4’s, balusters and misc hardware. next comes the beams, joists and decking.

i checked it out and found one. since they are sent via email i’ll hopefully get it quick.

haha would spend all my savings on gas. but i definitely need to make my way down sometime.

i may not need it now. but i’ll keep you in mind. thanks for taking the time to find it.

yeah man def come down…its been pretty warm lately

but yea def come down…and sorry i couldnt help…lol