Anything with a plow and working 4 wheel drive.
doesnt need working heater or any other creature comforts.
just needs to start, run, and drive in 4 wheel.
and stfu if you dont have what im looking for.
Anything with a plow and working 4 wheel drive.
doesnt need working heater or any other creature comforts.
just needs to start, run, and drive in 4 wheel.
and stfu if you dont have what im looking for.
make that two i also need one
Can’t you read??? He said STFU if you dont have what he is looking for…geesh.
OMG STFU to me too
I know
My father has a Chevy std cab short bed with front and rear plows.
Perfect plow machine. Everything works great (I think)
What is he asking?
I don’t remember, I think it was $4500 or $4800. Totally worth it.
Bought a 1984 dodge ram. with a 98 cummins TD. couldnt pass it up. but thanks jack.
pics of your new truck please.
ill have to take some when i get a chance. nothing too special.
the TD is all stock, but the trans is built. i’ll probably jack her up a few more inches.
i have a 78 chevy plow truck, runs comes with plow. its a 2 door pick up truck. $1500 or best offer for anyone lol
it is four wheel drive
hmmm i knowi just bought one… but pics please…i love the older chevys. how are the rockers?
the truck overall is in good shape, rockers are good. its my dads ill get some pics asap. just knew he wanted to sell it
ummmmm pics ?
i found a nice Chevy S10 on craigslist with a newer western plow. if anyone is intrested here is the link
here are some pics

that plow is way too big for that truck, i saw some retard on southwestern with a 1500chevy and a huge as VPlow, his truck was bottomed out, are people really that big of dumbasses?
if u want a truck, u should get one thats actually useful for plowing, otherwise u might as well get a shovel
^ agreed
My driveways that wide and that is the right size for a s10. My uncle has a blue Sonoma. v plows i can understand being unpractical for small driveways but for larger driveways a V plow would be an excellent choice
that plow is not designed for that truck, look how low the arms are, the lights are over a foot past the width of the truck and the plow is like 3feet wider than the truck
last time i checked the lights were inside the width of the truck and the plow wasnt over a foot max usually
if the plow wasnt resting on the ground holding that truck up that shit would be bottomed out
now that you mention it that plow does look a little too big good eye
might be to a full size pickup