Hey guys,

I’m considering returning to the “240 club”, if im going to it’s going to be fairly inexpensive. Im looking for a 90-93 S13 with an SR20DET engine…i’m only looking to spend 4000-5000 depending how clean it is and so on. I’m not completly sold on this idea again but if you can show me some decent cars I might be down. Shoot me a PM or post something on here…or do both.

Thanks guys.

i’d say raise your budget and buy a better, cleaner one… $5k SR’s S13’s suck

You get real good ones over $7k

theres a pretty clean white one for sale for $4000

Here’s the thing, if i join the 240 club again, I dont plan on spending big bucks. If i’m going to spend 7k, i rather just spend 12k and get what i really want…and it’s not a 240.

If you want something else, why bother to settle ?

What do you really want?

Subaru Sti, I would be going to the states to import, so its a little bit of a pain in the ass. If I have it my way, I buy the 240 now, cruise it for a year or two, then buy the STI and have more than less money after the purchase.