I would prefer at least 1500W. (or something much, much more)
It’s going in my booth at work, which… cleverly enough doesn’t heat the building.
So on a good morning, my booth is a nice and frosty 10 degrees.
but it must be 3 prong.
You know, with the 2 thingers, and the ground thinger?
If it’s old, if it’s dirty, if it looks like a pile of dogshit… I don’t care.
as long as it works.
and has 3 prongs if 120v.
(can be 120v or 480v… no 240v, unless it can be rewired!)
and it has to be less than about 3ft tall.
Lemme know whatcha got.
prices, idk.
I prefer to stay cheap, becuase… I’m cheap.
But I don’t much care as long as it has 3 fuckin prongs.
which I can’t seem to find in stores.
Welding, with 0 heat in the shop.
Except for whatever im welding. (and everyone else)
The heat from that is burning my face off, while everything else is an ice cube.
Oh, a space heater with 2 prongs will work.
I’ll just add a 3rd on I guess -.-
well i have two, i dont use them to much but they give amazing heat, used them in the middle of winter in my garage with no heat but the two and they kept me warm, like 2 1/2 feet tall. 30 for both.
The ones I got from 540 worked great last winter…
Except one of them didn’t make it through the summer.
Granted I was throwing and kicking them around whenever they were in my way…
One of the heating elements is bonking up against the other, and the whole unit gets red hot (which is actually quite nice for a while… good and toasty!), then shuts off!
Probably could fix it, but I’m lazy.