Soo… Joe talked me into boostin the Si, now Im lookin for some good used parts:
-Wahlbro intank pump (00 Civic Si)
-DSM 450’s
I have a bunch of B series performance parts that I would be willing to sell or trade, but I dont have any pics at the moment.
-Hondata S200
-OEM ITR header
-Buddy Club cam gears
-P06 ECU
-and a bunch of other stuff…
give me a month or so, ill have a tial 38mm up for grabs, just need to get my 7 back in the lot to flip the 50mm on…
otherwise, i have a VAFC, if your interested…
50bucks its yours…
oh, i have bov also…
pretty much new, it was gonna go on my bro’s/dad’s 300zx project…but, kinda ran into a snag…
take the vafc and blow off valve for 80…
cool… let me know when its available… and Im gonna tune it the right way, so no hack afc lol.
you got it man,
i edited that post after you responsed…
bov, take it for like 40-50 bucks…
or, if you have anything for a foxbody mustang or FC3S, we could work out a deal…
i have a spa egt/boost gauge…make me an offer it was $310 new
Damn Baldy! I was tryin to do a little budget build DD here lol. I dont have your money!
I got 2 manifolds comeing I am only useing one. You can check it out when it gets here
try adam with the turbo mustangs, i sold him the 50 trim off the del sol, and last time i talked to him he wasnt gonna use it
i was just offering… jfyi you can take it for $100 if you want it…i owe you some favors. 2 in 1 gauges are sweet 
i have an InlinePRO log manifold, tapped for an EGT gauge already. Make an offer if you’re interested
i have a aem wideband 100 125 bucks
Matt I am bailing out of this honda shit. give me a call
Everybody prepare to buy all their stuff back when matt decides in a week that he changed his mind for the 2193812397 time about a car and/or its mods and is going a diffrent route.

If that wasn’t true, I wouldn’t have laughed 
hahahahahahahahahah Give it 3 weeks… then the first problem I have I’ll abort.
I built half my cars with the parts matt decided to change lol
just curious, why are you looking for a p28 when you have a p30 w/s200b