WTB/WTT - 92-95 DEL SOL!

good luck! lemme know how it goes. I’ve been looking for a new car everyday online so i stumble across things. If i find another ill post it up.

if you ever want to sell your car send me a pm and let me know what you’re looking for.

thanks …now he aint responding tho lol.

keep um coming guys, ill gladly throw in my vtec head and everything i got if the del sol has the b16 or z6 vtec or what ever they come with. I JUST WANT A DEL SOL. haha

I have vtec…and a turbo!

If i could get the money you would have it and that sexy sol would be in my drive way lol.I think the most i could get would be like 3500$, so if all else fails yank the turbo kit and ill get the 3500. Or id trade ya my teg for your sol and you could sell my teg and the turbo kit and my vtec head and everything else i got .;). hey some ppl want tegs more than sols cause there lighter and arent 2 seaters? lol

2 seaters ftw.

exactly , thats a main reason why i want one , someone trade me please lol ill give you everything i got for my teg i just want a lil del sol.

sell your posessions and buy mine.

id prob only get around 3500-4000 for my car and my posessions lol

Sell drugs/steal things :slight_smile:

lmao ive thought about it with other cars ive wanted , but might i actually have to go throught with it this time lol

If you like that Sol why not just take out a small loan? 2 years, $2k, around $95 a month.

eh my credit isnt built up enough i just got a credit card about 4 months ago and i used it so far but i need records of like 6 months to a year.Plus i dont have anyone to cosign my ma’s a fuckhead

buy mickdad246’s sol

yea idk it says jltalon posted on here twice but i dont see it ? i clicked new posts and his name was there but i opend the thread and it shows im the last person who posted