WTBarrow Caulking gun.

Need to use a caulking gun asap, if anyone can let me barrow one for about 30min that would be great thanks.

dude buy one at value home center for $:rolljerk: 1.98


dude buy one at value home center for $:rolljerk: 1.98


I currently have no ride or I would.

i have one sittin here …

so u expect someone to deliver u a caulking gun?

I think I just found a ride to Value, thanks anyway guys.

I hate winter or I would have my car on the road right now.

can someone deliver me a pack of gum and a gatorade?

I really need one.

anyone wanna run to wegmans and get me some carpet deodorizer, my dog likes to pee


:tee hee:

Hey my truck is low on gas…does anyone have a gas can that could stop and bring me some?

u should of called me i would of brought one over