Anybody got one I can borrow for a day, or is willing to come over one evening to my house with it for like an hour?
I’ve got some rotted wood in the basement that I’m replacing and I need a sawsall to cleanly cut the bad areas out so I can replace them.
I’m looking for something tomorrow night preferably, if not then, whenever.
i have one your free to use, plenty powerfull too, it cuts thru steel pipe like butter, so woods not an issue
ill pm u my address so u can pick it up, im not far realy
Cool, when are you going to be around so I can stop by?
pretty much all day today, might run out here and there, and after 7pm ill be out helping alex button up the reassembly of the turbo sho
I’ll probably stop by after work then, like 4:30ish
should have gone to the harbor freight sale and picked that one up for 19.99 
i have it in the trunk of my car, so if you’re in the main and transit area you can pick it up and borrow it.
didn’t even see they had one for sale. Plus I was splitting/stacking firewood all weekend.