wtf is a scone?

I helped some old lady with her radio and she offered me a scone…

what the hell is a scone?

its like half cookie half roll type thing. I dont know thats the best i can do.

You should have hit her up on the offer though. They are good



Maybe i should have?

i bet it had a roofie in it.

It’s old lady talk for “tantric sex.”

its wringkle pie!


they have em at Panera Bread…they’re sorta dry and best with coffee and tea ( okay I used to work at Panera Bread when I was 17 )

Looks like you missed out.

Nothing like old lady scones.

cinnamon skones are awesome


Scones use to be day after breads used to dip into coffee - thus they were a little hard. Now they make them that way on purpose. lol

a scone is a pastry that is made to be eaten very dry. usually they are very flat looking, because the dough is too heavy to rise. the best way to describe it would be eating a really dry fruit flavored pancake. most scones derive from pancake batter anyway.

raisin scones with hot chocolate…mmmm

Beth’s Dad makes some bad ass cranberry scones


Ya they are a kinda dry pastry, I think english people like them with there tea or sumthing, We had them at the bakery i used to work at, they dont look good to me, some dude used to get 3 raisen ones every day, they wouldnt be my first choice if i walked into a bakery.