WTF is going on!!!!!!!!!!

Very frustrating for me as a steeler fan right now. The Team has proven that no matter how many yards u rack up or how big of a time of posession advantage u may have, turnovers will kill u. I have confidence in the team’s ability, but they can’t get it done b/c of mental lapses or a lack of fundamentals…simple things that should come natural for a great football team like the steelers…They’ve been definitely beating themselves all year…Despite that they’ve gotten help, and still can’t capitalize (Bungals lost…which means we could’ve gained ground in our division…Still alot of football to be played…I will say this…The steelers are at a point where the need to go undefeated for the rest of thr season (2 wins against baltimore and cleveland are key & we must win our second game w/ cinci)

hahahahahaha my prediction is coming true. I predicted 6-10 this year for the Steelers, they are half way there!

Thank God I’m a Pens fan.

here comes the pens bandwagon… it will be worse than last years 240sx bandwagon

it makes me sad to see we are so bad that the game is not even in HD… geez

Football > Hockey

Never was a hockey fan and don’t plan on becoming one…I wish all the pgh teams well, but i’m not gonna d*ck ride just because a team’s doing good

I agree with ya there and i was sure he was going to run. Oh well theres all ways next week right?? lol

no bandwidth for losers . . . .

hahaha mmmmm jerky!!! sorry george but thats 60 bux and a jerky care package

very well said

yes we did lose that game ourselves…all the others were a fucking joke and there was no reason we should have lost.

is that a serious question? if so yes to the first part and no to the second part

you don’t know anything about football. or anything else for that matter. shut the fuck up.

It’s not as simple as benching Ben for a cure all for the steelers problems quik. Ben is the future of this football team & he’s still developing as a QB. Batch is just as capable as Ben, but why create a QB controversy when it’s not necessary. The season is slowly slipping away (still not a total lost cuase tho) There’s still time to turn it around…Special teams issues and turnovers also have to be addressed…One thing that concerns me is Cowher’s attitude. Anyone notice how he doesn’t get pissed off anymore when the players make a mistake? I seriously think this is Cowher’s last year as the Steelers Head coach. He finally got his Superbowl victory, so i feel that he’s lost tha sense of urgency…

neither of them really do,they are both bandwagon steeler sluts,one more than the other though,but u decide which one mike:hahano:

go hide down in UC. look in the mirror and tell yourself you dont know anything

so if he is the future for the football team, then why is he playing the way he is? i mean seriously how many interceptions does he have this year? how many does he have in his career? look at his stats they kept him with close yards to keep his stats up but once it was past a certain mark his stats dropped and interceptions went up. he also used to run alot more now hes trying to be a pocket QB. seems to be the same way as Kordell was doing

im not a bandwagon fan sorry but and not saying the whole team sucks saying that ben needs to get his big head out of the clouds and back on the field. thought he was hot shit, and look at what happend to his ass over the summer? look at other things going on in his life. hes the suppose leader of the team he needs to act like it

u really are a pathetic piece of shit, get on with ur life and move the fuck on. and GROW THE FUCK UP!!!

it is next week!

Rough game…oh well…I thought Batch should have started before the game even started. Ben sucked and turned it on a little too late…he lost the game alone with Essix (sp?) . Batch has a QB rating of 138.6 5 tds 0 picks…but if Ben was TRUELY ready physically and mentally then he should get the start. Even if it is right or wrong no matter what Ben will not get pulled unless he is hurt…it is just how the Steelers are.

Side note…Crosby 1st HT bitches…Malkin 5 goal in 5 games…total sickness

  1. pens>steelers
  2. in that pic of quik - you have a string hanging from the end of your shirt, you may want to take care of that.
  3. the steelers have a lot of issues that don’t relate to Ben. He is having a tough time but the O-line this year fucking blows. Pulling Ben is a fucking stupid idea. Batch is worse than Ben at his worst.
  4. Cowher still sucks as a coach
