WTF is going on!!!!!!!!!!

plain and simple, the D held up pretty good, Ben just choked his ass off

doesnt seem that way when you look at the stats this year, now does it? youre retarded.

not saying i think Ben should be benched or anything. i just think there is something wrong with Ben. honestly…whether its stemming from the crash or whatever. it could just be something in his head, i dunno. his decision making is just bad and you cant deny it. i dont pin the losses all on him, by any means…and hes made some huge plays, but hes not right. i dont know at what point you sit him down or whatever, but i dont think hes 100%. if physically, then not mentally.

you can’t pull your #1 guy because of a few bad games. period, end of story. If he gets hurt and batch comes in and tears it up, good for him. then maybe you can start a qb controversy, but if ben is healthy and just going through a rough time, you let it ride.

and i’m not retarded, i’m “special”. At least that’s what my parents and teachers always said. :smiley:

i agree with all of that (including the ‘special’ part. i shouldve been more considerate and not called you retarded…lol.)

but batch is as good at ben at his worst?, not even close. i just dont think bens 100%

maybe not, but I can’t stand Batch. And I really hate the fact that Pittsburgh fans want to put in the second string qb at the drop of a hat.

cowher is to blame, he had the power to pull ben and didn;t, he has to power to fine these idots for acting like moneys, HE HAS THE POWER…

and ppl said fairweather fan when I predicted a 4-12 season :kekegay:

i bet we win more than 4 games.

Charlie Batch is a great asset to the team. Ben should get to start next week against Denver, but if he screws up, Batch should take over. i agree that “Ben is the man”…He is the starter, but there comes a time when changes need to be made in the best interest for the team. The season is on the line. Ben blames himself for the loss to Oakland. If we were to get pulled in the future b/c of his inability to move the offense and score, he’d def understand why…Arizona pulled Superbowl QB Kurt Warner…All i know is i wanna see the Steelers kick some @$$, I don’t care who the QB is. Afterall this is a team game, a teams season should not be sacrificed in favor of 1 person…In Ben’s defense tho, last week against ATL, he played a great game…It seems that Ben has issues bouncing back from injuries…Either that or he’s being thrown back in too soon…OK I’m done…4 Now

Ben shoulda sat the week out. We have a kick ass backup in Charlie Batch. I bet we would have done way better w/ him instead of Ben whose head is still all shook up from that nasty hit. :frowning:

you have to take the good with the bad…he had his ups now he has to have his downs to…how do you think he will learn??? bench him and he will never learn anything. go through all the shit that he has been through in the last 6 months and tell me you wouldnt be the same way he is right now. its all in his head and once he gets past that he will be just as good if not better than he was before. what doesnt kill you only makes you stronger.

i have faith in this team and in ben even if i do get a little pissed off during the games. :steelers:

thank you thats what i said…he was the one who could have pulled ben and put batch in. you really think bens going to walk up to the cowher and say “gee coach i dont feel so great today go ahead and give batch the start”. This is his job…this is what he gets paid to do, go out and play football. Hes going to say i want to play no matter what, he doesnt want to lose his starting position and he doesnt want ppl to sit there and say hes horrible…so he will try every game to go out there and play even if he feels like shit. im not saying this is the best choice by ben but…

exactly…:steelers: even though i had to leave the outback steakhouse at the beginning of the game because i was yelling and cussing like a truck driver, i still love the steelers!