im in the same boat. ive been living with the rents for a year now while i save to purchase a house. its a very unpleasant situation, but you just gotta put up with their shit till you can afford to get out. your just a guest in their house at this point in your life. let them dictate their rules and dont forget to thank em when you leave.
shit in their bedroom
+1 for leaving a surprise under the covers
drop a couple upper deckers
LOL…Alicia got knocked up! bwahahahaa
j/k Joe. I just think that the dude that did it just HAS to be some sort of deadbeat kind of guy…
you smoke outside cuz your mom doesnt know you do
If the baby is gone then they won’t smoke in your room anymore. :snky:
how dumb are poeple? if you smoke in the basement everytime you heat or A/C comes on the smoke gets pumped throughout the house unless you have basebord heat, ask them to smoke in the kitchen under the vent thats what my dad does when i visit him.
i can’t stand smoke, “can i smoke in your car” fuck no “but why” …ass holes
well its a huge decrease from what it would be upstairs and theres a air purifier in the living room and one in the babys room
thats just terrible but hysterical
That sucks. All your stuff will smell like smoke now. I would say something, it’s your bedroom and it’s not ok to smoke there.
put a lock on the door
Looks like they just like the illegitimate baby more than they like you.
+1 for dumping top shelf
i have a few opinions…but i’ve only met you once and i have no idea how old u are?
how old are you? then i’ll get goin
lol tell them you smell a gas leak