wtf its not my kid

ok b4 i write this, comments like move out blah blah blah arnt going to help. Anyways 9 months ago my sister got knoked up.She lives at home like me. Now i was asked to move into the basement.Which i did no problem(although unlike my sister i pay 100 dollars a month to live here). Now my beautiful neice was born saturday at 3am. i live with 3 chain smokers and all three of them come down in the basement and smoke. this is fucking redicoulous i hate the smell of ciggarette smoke. its making me crazy. y do i have the room that smells like a bar (well a bar 2 years ago)

ok iam done

Sucks man, sounds like you need to man up and fuck some shit up. Lay down the law, they forced you down there now they are doing this to you, its not really right.

:word: tell them flat out, “look you guys made me move down here, seeing as I pay to live here, I would appreciate you not smoking down here”.

word. tell them you are paying rent and you did not agree to pay rent to live in an ashtray. ask nicely at 1st, and if they refuse to be considerate, id start fucking some shit up. if my parents were smoking in my room which they were making me pay to live in, i would not let it go down, parents or not.

Well I live in my parents basement too

Get some good ventilation, you know like bathroom fans. I got two hooked up and it does the job pretty good.

Tell them to go the fuck outside… idiots.

truth. i only smoke in my room at the ritz… and only a few cigs a day… but i don’t smoke in anyone elses rooms, or the livingroom/kitchen area. they shouldn’t have to smell that awful shit if they don’t smoke. so you shouldn’t either. tell them to go outside for fuck sake.

a good fan and an ionic air cleaner would probably work wonders.

replace the tabacco with grass.

i love how people smoke in the basement … as if smoke doesnt rise …

tell them to smake in the bathroom with the fan on for christs sake … that way the shit actualy leaves the house … or take it to the garage

i smoke (quitting slowly tho) and i must say, its quite easy to go fine someplace approtriate to smoke… its not THAT cold out that its intolerable to spend 5 min outside if you have to …

ionic air cleaners aarent the healtist things in the world either actualy …

i live at home and smoke outside just to be respectful, seeing that my mother smokes in the house

tell them to be grown adults and show some respect towards you and your health

After reading the title of this thread

and then reading the body of the thread

I am disappointed.

BAHAHAHA I thought the same thing :meh:

dude that sucks, i’m sorry. my mom smokes but she always goes out into the garage to do so, which my family and I are lucky for. i agree with you though, i can’t stand the smell of smoke, specially when it’s embeded itself into your clothes and what not … that makes me sick sometimes. i love it how smokers wont go outside to smoke because its to cold out … cause then it makes them think about if it’s really worth the trouble of smoking …

I feel bad for that kid when he grows up

better start giving him an inhaler now…

yeah, likewise… dammit man i wanna see the tire guy from sears on montel :tdown:


Joe - You need to tell them to fuck off since you PAY to live there or stop paying since they have invaded your privacy like that. However, your shit could backfire and they could kick you out, I guess it depends on the relationship you have with your parents.

thats what i was thinking. but chances are they are gunna tell you to leave if you dont like it. expecially sinse every smoker in NYS feels like they are under attack after all the recent negativity focused on them from the government and non-smokers alike. the only way your gunna have a say in anything that goes on under your roof is when your on your own. man up and move out.

its y i titled it that

its not in the budget till either a) i get promoted to assitant(salary job) or b) i get a new job. i will definatly be out by june though.