WTF just happened

I just woke up and my clock is unplugged. I have no clue why, but now Im 1/2 hour late for a test that I spent the better part of yesterday studying for.


… I have never understood this…

Someone is late, yet they have time to post about it online, BEFORE the event happens.

what happened?

you got fucked.

There are no makeups, It takes me 10 minutes to get to campus IF I can find a damn parking space. Also this isnt some bullshit 101 course, its a 400 level course, they’re real hardasses about this shit.

that leaves 10 minutes to take a 50 minute test



syllabus says, and I quote “No student will be seated for any test or quiz after the first 15 minutes, or the first student has handed in a paper”

ummm go to the class and say you lost power so your alarm did not work.

:whogives: This thread is retarded. Kidssssss.:baby:


that teacher will let you take it… if you show up after i doubt it

take in the alarm clock for proof


lol, i would pay to see that

u guys that say its stupid not to go to the class are just :ham:

teachers in 400 level math classes dont take any shit, its not exactly a freshman class and there is no way that u can take a test like that in 10 minutes anyways

:tdown: mike

at least he is dropping lowest test grades

Who reads their syllabus???

are you serious?

If you have a problem, sitting there and posting on the internet about it isn’t going to fix it. Go to the fucking teacher, explain yourself and i can almost guarantee you’ll come out of it unscathed.

It frightens me how little people skills people have nowadays.


95% of what you learn in college is how to deal with situations. Unfortunately, over 50% of students drop out.

Speaks a lot about common sense.

right because sitting at home = 0 on the test
atleast if you go to the class and attempt to explain to your teacher why you were late there is a chance you can still take it.


I wouldn’t be sitting at home. i would have woke up, freaked out and drove to class.

late or not. you still showed up.