WTF: Part time Job

Im looking for a part time job. I work a full time 730-330 pm. I can work after from 4 on. Does anyone know who is hiring.

Thank you

Rocky’s Island Pizza might still be hiring…PM Misteroman$$$

I would definitely do it. But i live in Orchard park and that would be a ride for me.

Mcdonalds of EA. They would probably hire you as a manager or they are also looking for a maintenance man.

what fields do you have experience in? are you looking for restaurants, sales rep, lot boy, etc.?

I worked at a pizzeria for 5 years and I detailed cars for 5 years.

Right now I am a GIS analyst with a Government agency. I would like to stay away from computers since that is what I do most of the day.

Retail would probably be best. Im only looking to make and extra 250-350 a month.