WTF? Pistons dont fit

soo i’m building a high compression ka24de and i jus had the block hot tanked and had all the cylinders honed to accept new rings

now i’m using the pistons from a 1990 ka24E and they should be the same size as the DE pistons.

so i test to see if they fit, no go

so i figure they jus need more oil on them so i put more on

try to fit them gain , still dont slide in

so i thought that the machine shop warped the block

so i test the stock ka24de pistons and they slide right in so its not warped

but the ka24E pistons dont seem to fit

what could be the problem?

P.S my pistons say .50 on the top does this mean their oversized?

they probably came from a rebuilt engine with stock overbore pistons

ic well does the .50 mean their overbore?

Haha yea man, usually when you rebuild your engine, you have to bore the block slightly to smoothen the cylinder walls, which is why you get slight oversize pistons so that it will seal.