WTF turbo is this

ok so we were scrapping out old deisel generator and i decided to take the turbo seeing as it only had 279 hours on it (upgrading to bigger gen)

i cannot seem to find what manufacture or specs on it

on the manifold side it reads 49189-11500 and has what looks to be a mitsubishi logo below, and next to it - 60

on the exhaust side the id plate has been painted over-will strip tommorrow
but only other distinguishing markings are 1H and 2/2

anyone who may have an idea would be a great help, i will post pics tommorrow

Just a quick search but could one of your digits be off?
49189-11500 >> 49189-01500

Not to doubt you but the latter is an actual Mitsubishi turbo TD04H off of a Hercules 52mm Intake, 45.6mm exhaust

mitsu logo ? could be an IHI

With mitsubishi involvement in industrial eqipment…im sure it would be a mitsubishi turbo.

good luck trying to spool that on a rb20/sr20 without a shit load of supporting mods.

i have neither anymore, hemi should have no prob if i ever wanted to turbo my truck