WTF Verizon?

:lol: looking through my phone:

Matt Rubicant
Don Carnut
John Zer0daze
Jimmy Fry

i at least have johns real last name in mine… i have everyone with there names and then there title is nyspeed name…

Hook me up with some free megabytes y0!

i have verizon too and my phone wouldnt let me call out two days ago had to bring it to verizon

can you hear me now?

i have verizon too my phone has been funny lately

I have had a lot of problems texting to Verizon users. Some people it takes a lot of time to get there (>6 hours) and sometimes I don’t even get theirs on ATT. Only seems to be Verizon to ATT.

Something is fucked up on Verizons end tonight. I call any Verizon number and get “sorry all circuits busy” but if I call any ATT it goes right through.

I have ATT btw.