WTH: Dishwasher $8-10/hr

in i wana know… cell pic will also work :gotme:

the waiting is killing me!!



she was at bubble tea last night…


Huh? Who is she?

If they will match my pay from my other cook job, Id have to move but Id take it for no less than 11.50.

I have 3.5 years experience

jen is a cutie


i am pretty fuckin cute, but no n00dz.

yea. this went a little OT imo.

Not like anyone will show up anyways. :nono:

I Need To Find Some New Females, All the Ones Around Tonawanda Suck…Im Looking For A new Job n If thers Some Cuties Around Thats A Plus

Kitchen jobs are awesome. I worked as a busboy, server, bartender, supervisor, locker room, snack bar, everything… in a Country Club for 8 fucking years (still work big events) all of the said above comments are true. But the pay for doing very little work, free food, and ability to booze and do drugs while working is very acceptable in the business. And if you smoke ciggs so many cigg breaks, its a dream job for someone who simply does not care about anything. And random slut waitresses just like in waiting.


wait… you can blaze? :tup:


:tup: to you too.

keep smokin’ and applying for the hard to find jobs man, glad the ambitions are going up for you.


This thread is going nowhere fast.