want to find job still

ya, ive re-applied at everywhere i can think of and still no luck. does anyone here have any connections, ill do basically anything it just has to be part time.
let me know thanks

edit* good at detailing any labor idc i need a job
edit2* i also have screen printing , bindary and some small press experience, also good with indesign cs2,

wtf=what the fuck.:stuck_out_tongue:

go wash dishes. best option.

i tried a few places i dont know why they wont hire me its gay

Try gardenview, you can use me as a reference if you need to, gus isn’t a bad guy if you do your work and don’t fuck off and eat food the whole time.

usually hiring dishwashers often

wheres this gardenview located? and whats your name?

off union road across from the ice cream train
my name is steve hewitt

if you go tomorrow during the day you’ll prolly talk to gus, maria or sis.

Well if your work is anything like the cars you drive, i wouldn’t hire you either.

i drive a cutlass and a camaro which all work thats been done ive done

At least he shows effort towards getting a job and towards his car.

We can’t all afford nice cars at 17

im going to go apply there tommorow thanks, but just in case is there anyone else?


he could be sitting on his ass doing nothing, buy he seems like he is trying…

Try airtek, its in lancaster. Be ready to work your ass off for little pay though lol

what is it? what do they do there? any connections?

go sell cell phones, if you know your name and can use a computer you can do it.


apply at a TMS store and lie to customers rip them off and get nice commission checks

call places u apply ask to set up a interview dont wait for them to call u. out going people are what employers are looking for

exactly. if you dont call a place you applied to, honest to god you have less than like 5% chance of them calling you. I have been offered EVERY single job I applied to, then called back… no joke. sometimes I have 5-6 offers at once, all and only because I applied, called back, got interview and dressed nice.

alot of my friends try playing the waiting game and it never, EVER works, they usually end up working where I do because they refuse to actually put effort into finding a job. apply, call.

where do u work?

currently i work valet for onyxz32 which i kind of fell into thanks to this site lol

last job was at a collection agency. now you wanna talk about corny fucking people, thats the place to be… but it was good money. theres like 10 of them in buffalo why dont you give one of them a try? trust me its simple as hell. and if you have a way to get to and from work and a drug problem they’ll hire you on the spot.