WTHire (possibly)

I’m looking for someone part time that can blast for me. We blast mostly old cars and some larger trucks too. I am looking for someone for probably Tuesday and Thursday 9-5. It is not hard work but you will get dirty well, more dusty than dirty lol. I usually just throw on my ipod and go to town.Our shop is 5 minutes from downtown on Broadway. We do NOT use any hazardous materials for blasting (like silica sand) we primarily use baking soda and obviously have all the safety equipment too.

edit The pay looks like it will be $9/hr. for now.


im down once school is over in like 2 weeks i NEED another job

I’m interested.

info on pay?

damn it…If this was on the weekends or nites I would be all about it.

I have experience too and it was my favorite part of auto body work. :frowning:

i would do this ive blasted many times before once school ends id do it call me 578-2127 if you need me

thanks steve